Saturday, August 25, 2012

Fall Accessories Roundup

The September issues of the big fashion glossies have hit the shelves, bringing with them their record-breaking amount of pages filled with new season fashion. With this veritable assault upon us, you’ve probably managed to absorb most of the new trends via sheer osmosis. So, you’re well ahead of the curve. That’s great. But perhaps you’re a little perplexed as to how to incorporate these fresh looks without buying a completely new wardrobe. One word, ladies: accessories.

To catch a magpie

Whether you’ve fallen for the baroque trend or been swayed by the samurai girl of the east, you can pay homage to your favourite trend easily and inexpensively with maximalist accessories. Clutches, shoes and jewellery, especially, are the best ways to nod to your new look without breaking the bank. The high street stores are doing a remarkable job this season, and one of the best online stops for amazing jewellery is And our top tip? Look out for Anna Dello Russo’s glamorous, eclectic collection for H&M, hitting locations worldwide (and online) October 4th.

Tally ho

It’s all about the riding trend this season, darling. The easiest way to emulate equestrianism is, of course, the glorious and enduring riding boot. We like Topshop’s Percival Riding Boot and, obviously, anything by Hunter. For those weekends in the country, of course. Lovely.

P.S. Have an idea of your perfect purchase in mind but not quite sure how to procure it, or where to look? If you haven’t already heard of it, head on over to ASAP. You can search for ‘riding boots’, or ‘clip on crystal chandelier earrings’ and then browse results accumulated from every source imaginable. It’s like shopping, but easier.

Laura Hunter-Thomas
Ici Fashion

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How To Nix Cellulite

It's bathing suit, shorts and mini-skirt season, so you'll want your gams looking smooth and sexy. If you have cellulite, however, looking fierce in these getups can be a bit of a problem. Fortunately, you don't have to live with those dimples forever; you can perform a few tricks to nix those lumps and bumps and get your stems looking stellar.

Non-Exercise Methods

In case you didn't know, cellulite is simply good old-fashioned fat. Therefore, exercise is often the trick to getting it to scoot. A few other methods can help you say “buh-bye” to the dimples, as well. For instance, drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps to keep you hydrated and heavenly-looking, and can help those exercises give that cellulite the old shove-off.

Additionally, getting enough sleep is super important in your body looking its very best. You can also use firming lotions on your legs to encourage your skin to tighten up and send that cellulite packing.

Side Squats

Tighten and tone your thighs while getting rid of those unsightly lumps with this easy, but effective, exercise. Stand up straight, with your back flat, and spread your legs until they are shoulder-width apart. Now point your toes outward at a 45-degree angle.

Hold a pair of dumbbells in each hand and keep them at your hips. Take a big step out to the side with your left leg and bend your knee until your thigh is parallel with the floor. Keep your right knee extended, but don't let you left knee stick out beyond your toes or your derriere go below your knee.

Stay in this position for a second or two, then return to your normal stance. Repeat the same motion with your right side without resting in between. You can increase the intensity of the workout by holding the dumbbells at your shoulders, instead of your hips.

The Kickback

You'll have to get on your hands on knees for this one, but it will be worth it! Strap some ankle weights on, then get on all fours, then slide down so that you are resting on your forearms. Keep your back straight and look down at the floor.

Kick your right leg up and bend it, then push it towards the ceiling. Keep your foot flat and your thigh parallel to the ground. Hold this position for one second, then return to your starting stance. Switch legs and continue the process. You'll start to feel a burn that lets you know this exercise is working.

Keeping yourself fit and trim is a good idea anyways, but when you get the added benefit to nixing that cellulite as well, it makes it well worth it. Now go ahead and work it in that cute little skirt you've been eyeing all summer.

Heather Vicchioni,
Ici Fashion

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Golden Getups

For all those sartorial savants in wonderment at the physical prowess of the athletes involved in the Olympic Games, fear not. Fashion has its own games – the games of the photographer-pursuing, arm-party-propagating, Issa-imitating extravaganza that is the street style hunt. For all of you style-stars-in-training, here we provide a cheat sheet of pointers for easy looking-like-Leigh-Lezark style points (that’s the Sanya Richards-Ross of fashion, FYI).

Know your style
Style stars attract attention because they stand out from the crowd. It’s not so much about just wearing clothes, but about showing personality; conveying a message. Always remember that what you wear will say something about you, whether you intend it to or not. The stunners on everyone’s ‘must-shoot’ (and then, subsequently, ‘best dressed’) list always have their own distinguishable style: Anna Dello Russo is known for her outré, couture getups, Carine Roitfeld for her all-black, slick sex appeal. Decide on your signature style, and then work it to the max. Some tips on finding your flair: think about what you want people to think about you, and always keep that in mind. For example: hang out (or aspire to) in Chelsea and haunt the Bluebird? After the Sloaney sleekness of the Pippa Middleton set? Find a way to incorporate blazers and riding boots into your outfits. (If you think that’s a bit pedestrian, imagine black blazers with asymmetric cuts and the Givenchy wide-and-straight-cut riding boots – see the Zara approximations above – of this season.)

Find a counterpoint
The ‘style’ in ‘style star’ should be taken in the context of ‘Man, she’s got style’. A foolproof way to add that crucial je ne sais quoi to your outfit is to find a counterpoint to your main style statement. Running with our Sloaney example above, if you’ve got the blazer-and-boots combo down, how about throwing them over a pair of great leather pants, or accessorizing with a gold handcuff bracelet and fluro pink nails? There should always be something interesting about your outfit – a cookie cutter look does not a style star make.

Laura Hunter-Thomas,
Ici Fashion