Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Clean out your cupboards and clean up your diet

With the approach of summer comes the unavoidable ‘summer dash’, AKA boot camp, cleanse and pray time. It’s a beast of social obligation that you'd most likely rather avoid (but not as much as you’d like to avoid a muffin top mixed with almost-nakedness on a beach in Belize). For many of us, summer vacations are sneakily stressful, full of agonizing prep (like Brazilians. And crunches). This year, though, why not make one resolution only - one that will offer immediate results and transform all areas of your life for the better? It's called the Paleo lifestyle, and it all starts with cleaning out your cupboards.

Stars on Paleo diet

The Paleo lifestyle (or Primal or evo lifestyle, as it is sometimes called) centres around a relatively straightforward way of eating: you cut out all processed foods, starch and dairy, and instead focus on lean proteins, nonstarchy vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats. It's a diet that has been touted as the be-all-and-end-all of healthy diets, and as a faithful Paleo follower, I can vouch for the validity of such claims and the incredible efficacy of the diet. For me personally, 'going Paleo' has increased my energy and my ability to train longer and recover faster (both boons for an athlete) a thousand fold, completely eliminated my mild hypoglycaemia and my moderate adult acne, and abolished between-meal hunger (and also ten pounds of fat - in one week). Going Paleo is also known for increasing health in other areas - for example, it can cure Crohn's & polycystic ovary disease, and decrease the risk of Alzheimer's and cancer.

Going Paleo produces results - a flat stomach, improved digestion and skin, weight loss and increased energy - in a matter of days, and the best part is, you can still cheat every so often! The 'extreme Paleo' end of the spectrum allows for one cheat meal per week, whereas the 'Paleo beginner' can spring for three cheat meals. If you're between the two (ready for a big change but not extremism), indulge in two cheat meals per week. If you're ready to go Paleo and reap all the rewards the lifestyle has to offer, let's go ahead and take a look at what you'll be banishing from your cupboards forever, and what will become your kitchen staples.

First of all, things to get rid of: grains and starches (rice, quinoa, bread, pasta (yes, even the wholegrain variety of the previous two), flour, cookies, pastries, bagels, cereals, meal or snack bars (Luna, Clif etc.), crackers, burger buns). Pretty much anything that you would classify as 'a carbohydrate' has to go. That also counts for starchy vegetables (potatoes (white and sweet), corn on the cob, yams) and oats and oatmeal. Other items to throw out: legumes (all beans, peanuts and peanut butter, soybeans and all soybean products, including tofu), dairy (milk, ice cream, yogurt, cheese, butter), and processed foods (microwave meals, Hamburger Helper).

Now let's talk about what you should be picking up on your next shopping trip. Fresh fruit (apples, strawberries, pineapples, pears), dried fruit (raisins etc.), lean proteins (beef, pork, chicken, fish, seafood, and game and organ meats if you are so inclined), healthy fats (eggs, olive oil, nuts, seeds) and nonstarchy vegetables (broccoli, lettuce, kale, carrots, all salad greens) will form the basis of your meals, so keep the cupboards stacked!

One of the best components of the Paleo diet is that no calorie or nutrient tracking is required. Simply eat your fill of lean proteins, fresh fruit and nonstarchy vegetables, up to 2 eggs a day, no more than 2 oz of dried fruit a day and no more than 4 oz of nuts a day if you are trying to lose weight, and you are all set! Another major perk of the Paleo diet is that it quashes cravings and hunger, but if you do find yourself experiencing the odd hunger pang, simply reach for more lean protein, and grab some fresh or dried fruit to pacify your sweet tooth and help you stay away from the ever-present workplace donuts. The satiety factor of the protein and good fats in your diet will keep you feeling full and prevent you from overeating, and before you know it you'll be feeling clean, lean, and bursting with energy! Get ready to say sayanara to low energy, insomnia, dull and blemished skin, and welcome authentic energy, beautiful skin, and a slim and healthy body into your life!

Laura Hunter-Thomas,
Ici Fashion

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