Thursday, June 21, 2012

How To Keep Your Hair Safe During Summer

When the temperatures rise, you can't help but want to spend time outdoors. However, all that nice weather can wreak havoc on your locks. Between the sun and the dry air, your strands can go from luscious to dull in no time; not to mention the sun can fade your color quite quickly. But you don't have to miss out on all that summer sun; you can protect your coif with a few simple preventative measures.

Hat Hair

Now is the time to don that big, floppy hat you've always wanted. Not only will the hat shield your neck and face from the sun, but it can keep your hat safe, as well. The sun is known for sucking the life and color out of hair, so keeping it shaded can prevent that and have you looking oh-so-stylish.

Swimming Sense

Taking a dip is one of the advantages of the summer. Problem is, chlorine is anything but hair-friendly. The chemical can make your hair dry, remove the color from it and can even leave it green! The best prevention is to don a swimming cap. Caps keep your hair safe from the chlorine, but may not always be so ideal.

You never want to wash your hair before you swim. Doing so removes the oils from your hair and scalp that can protect it from the chlorine. Instead, apply neem oil to your locks before swimming. Then, rinse it with water immediately after leaving the pool and go take a shower when you can. Wash your tresses with shampoo that contains ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid. This shampoo removes additives from your hair, which can prevent it from doing damage.

Moisture Musts

The biggest factor you have to contend with in the summertime is keeping your locks moisturized. You don't want to be accused of having straw hair, so you'll need to infuse your mane with some serious hydration. Masks can infuse your hair with needed moisture and leave it looking shiny and healthy. If you want to make your own, mix ½ of an avocado with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Apply the mixture to your hair and let it sit for about 20 minutes, then rinse out.

When you wash your hair, make sure to only scrub the scalp. Deep conditioning your hair once a week can also keep your hair looking healthy. Additionally, use creamy shampoos, which are typically more conditioning than other types.

Bottom line is you always want to look your best, no matter what the season. But you can keep your hair looking healthy and chic with these summertime tips.

Heather Vicchioni,
Ici Fashion

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