Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Your Shoes Say More Than You Might Think

You may have heard that clothes make the woman, but did you know your shoes have a lot of influence, too? According to a study conducted by the University of Kansas and Wellesley College, you say a lot about yourself by the type of kicks you wear.

Not only does your footwear tend to reveal your gender, age and income, but it can also relay to others details of your personality, such as if you are clingy and insecure in relationships, or if you are relaxed and laid-back.

For instance, functional and practical shoes are typically worn by friendly, agreeable folks. Uncomfortable shoes are often worn by calm people, but ankle boots often grace the feet of gals who are a little more aggressive.

Of course, this study isn't 100 percent accurate – sometimes a relaxed chick likes the look of ankle boots and will go out and rock them with the best. However, common generalities were prevalent in the study and made many scratch their heads.

For example, according to the study, folks who are on the anxious and attached side when it comes to relationships tend to wear shoes that are well-kept and newer looking because they seem to care what people think of them. Contrarily, the opposite can be said for people with more laid-back personalities.

The shoe colors people tend to pick also says something about them. You could probably guess that people who wear red or brightly-colored shoes are often more outgoing and like attention. Folks who don nude or black shoes are typically on the reserved side and don't want to be the center of attention as much.

Regardless of what this study says, you go ahead and wear whatever makes you happy. You don't have to stick to certain colors and styles because you feel like they reflect your personality. If you see a hot pair of red stilettos that are screaming at you, go ahead and slip those babies on – even if it is in the comforts of your bedroom.  

Heather Vicchioni,
Ici Fashion

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